I will be honest I wasn't devastated, but you could've held my hand through this baby


Listening to: Frank Ocean - Close to You (Blonde Album:2016)
Food: Evian Natural Spring Water

Great news! I passed my license exam yesterday! Need to register my license this morning so it can be issued when I get back. I meant to post days earlier, but I was on my period and I was literally bed-ridden for five days straight. I couldn't move at all. Before I go, I also need to sort things with my bank and then water my plants before leaving. It's insane. Like every problem that could mushroom overnight is happening right now. I actually didn't know if I could get up this morning, because my period isn't ending like it's supposed to. And now my iCloud isn't updating :\

Last Moments for 2016



Back to blonde lol + Peenachu and Peenachu on top of my suitcase telling me not to go + Patronus fam

2016 Lessons 
x Do not chase people. The right people will come with you and stay
x Do not let a boy tell you he doesn't love you twice
x Growth is not an easy process. But the view is fucking great.

2016 Favorites 
x My friend JH and his soft fuckboy manbun hair. Playing with his hair made everything traumatizing that happened to me in early 2016 go away. I miss him :'(
x Jordan Hau. Thank you for having my back and supporting me even though we don't talk that much. You are honestly my favorite thing that happened to me in 2016.
x My own character growth unfold before me was a splendid sight to behold. I'm not gonna lie. It was fucking hard. I went from wanting to swallow sleeping pills in December 2015 (because someone didn't take me to Porter Robinson show with him lol)  to having my dream job within my grasp is nothing less than amazing.
x Strong Slythewin game
x Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
x Twitter. I was surprisingly able to interact with my favorite gamers ( SACHIE, ANNCHIRISU), models (RIN RIN DOLL), youtubers (BECKII, HOLLYANNAEREE, AMELIA LIANA directors (THE LITTLE PRINCE), artists (LIKE PORTER ROBINSON) on this beautiful platform :D
x My boss / aunt! Thank you, thank you for always supporting me and making me loved. I didn't think I was worthy of any affection, and yet here you are. Thank you.
x The Flash - Season 3 (TOM FELTON playing the role of Julian Albert)
x I'll add more, but I'm kinda in the middle of making sure that everything is okay before leaving. Packing is done tho!

2017 Event to look forward to 
x Travel: Hokkaido Pikachu Parade in July
x Travel: Korea in August
x Winter Vacation: Disneyland in France
x Legend of Zelda: Breath of Wild + Batman Injustice+  PS4
x Autumn Bucket list (There were a lot of stuff I just didn't get to do this year, like bake pie :\ )
x Winter Bucket list (Marathon Lord of the Rings + Hot Cocoa) This was my plan this year and aww I won't be able to do it
x Taron Edgerton in Kingsman II
x Amazon Haul part III ?
x Shokugeki Season 3 Maybe?
x Business meetings + Business partners and basically my work in general :D
x Travel: Vegas Convention for the new company I work for!
x Pokemon Symphony in Oct @Dallas

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