One sided love - It's like tossing yourself from the top of the Eiffel Tower and expecting gravity to catch you


Listening to: Outro: Do You Think It Makes Sense? - BTS (Dark&Wild)
Food: Pasta

Cleaned my room. Washed my blanket. Hell period is over and done with. Part I of my Bat Distress signal is done :D

I was excited to finally download Steam, but the game I wanted wasn't available on OS: Nekopara. At least it's getting an anime now. I tried looking for other Hentai games but it just didn't look as good. It had unmoving characters. Meaning their boobs don't jiggle o: How were people able to play these games? Like, bitch how,  tell me. Needless to say, I wasn't moved 😞

I ended up buying "Never Alone." It's a lot of fun even if there's a lot of parts that I get stuck in lol. I dedicate this game to my love for all things arctic, especially to my arctic ermine, Albert Chamomile. I can't believe how much I've missed getting trophies and achievements pop out on the right hand corner of the screen. The only problems I have with the game is that there is no saving point and there are time limits lol. BUTT I get to be a beautiful arctic fox while bracing the cold tundra wind  . u .

I need to finish my second certification then I can start getting paychecks and apply for some more part-time jobs. Because hey, this millenial needs all the part-time jobs she can get.

Want to do some online shopping after this (Only stopped by because I haven't written in here properly for a while). I've got some points to burn 😉

My mind has been all over the place lately. Like one turn, I'll think about this this boy, who bullied me, named Sandro, who forced my fingers to go backwards at a private school I attended, and, then next second, it would jump to how my principles and values have been changing a lot. Like, I used to go HAM on loyalty. Now, I'm just like, Fuck you 2015 Maryann. Nobody fucking owes you anything. And you don't owe anything to anybody.

Calming Mental Image
Your text about my cat ears.

Saying Goodbye to February

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