Empties #10


Hi guys! It's time for another empties. I changed the flatlay background a bit. The sunscreen from Missha is super good. I'd repurchase it again if I didn't end up accumulating a ton of sunscreen samples from beauty box subscriptions. And also if I didn't want to try new sunscreens every time I run out of one. It's only $11 and it lasts me for a long time. I actually cut mine in half and decanter it to an empty LUSH container because it eventually got harder to squeeze the product out. 

I wouldn't purchase this nail polish again, even though I was tempted by the $3 price tag. It doesn't compare to my Cutex acetone nail polish remover. It's good if you're patient and your nails aren't sensitive to acetone, but I feel like I've tried a better one from the Cutex line without the acetone. 

I don't have any more oils to put in my hair. But I still have detangling sprays for when after I shower. If you have any hair oils that you love, please leave me your recommendation in the comment box below. Thank you in advance if you do! 

I couldn't save the gold polish that I had from Butter London from about five years ago, even with a nail polish thinner. So I had no choice but to toss it. I was able to restore another Buttler London polish that's also gold so that one stays in my collection. 


Empties #10

Empties #10

Empties #10


  1. Replies
    1. I hope you try out Missha! They're a good brand! x

  2. Great job: D Now you have room for a new beauties hehe 😘😘

  3. This nail polish has a nice shade❤

  4. I think it's only me who has been cutting her almost-emptied skincare tube lol. Love reading your empties btw! xx

    lenne | lennezulkiflly.com

    1. Hi Lenne! :D You're not alone! Glad I'm not the only one who cuts tubes in half to get products out! And thank you, you're so sweet :') xx



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