I made this series because I am a beginner at book reviews, (Currently no access to ARC - "Advanced Readers Copy") and I have no way of getting my hands on a lot of books, without spending a ton of money. I mean I do have access to a library app that I am eternally grateful for (Thank you, Libby I love you to death), but there are some items on there that are not available.
Hence, I made this series where I can get a feel of whether or not I would be tempted to continue reading a book by going ahead in making the next step of purchasing / picking it up, judging it on the three free chapters the authors or publisher has provided on Amazon Kindle.
My reviews for (1) samples and (2) books that I purchased with my own money are not going to be spoiler-free. I realized that it's very hard for me to make reviews without touching on certain topics, so while I label it on the title as a "Book Review", it would really be more of a "Book Analysis" or "Book Discussion." Viewers discretion on that part. As of now I only have Libby, Prime Reading, Book Bub, and Book Sirens on my utility belt. If I ever plan to do a Book Subscription or sign up for Kindle Unlimited, I will also disclose it to the readers.
Copies of books that I've acquired through "Books Sirens" will be spoiler-free. That is a part of their policy when giving out free copies directly from the author. In exchange for a free copy of the book, it is strongly recommended that spoilers are not included so that it won't spoil the story or plot for other future readers. I am always going to label it with a hashtag, #BookSirens so you'll know that a particular review will not contain any minor or major spoilers.
I'm sorry for the long intro, but I need to clear this up in every post. Anyway on to the review!
This one is a little bit of an improvement. I like the world-building a little bit better than the Beauty and the Beast retelling, that's for sure. This one is more promising. I did let it lapse when I tried to borrow it earlier, but that is only because I was trying to finish my Star Wars audiobook first, and it just kinda fell in the wayside. I do plan on checking it out again on Libby as soon as I finished my other reviews. Fall is just around the corner again, so my reading mood goes up by a hundred percent, and this one actually feels like it would be nice to cozy up next to. While some parts of this feel disjointed and stiff, there are some redemptive factors in here, based on me actually wanting to annotate the paragraphs I've read from all the pages I could get my hands on. The low rating may change once I've finished the entire book. But based on my first impressions, I'm sticking to the two shiny stars it merits.

x Ana Luisa NY: Kelly Necklace Review | Ambassador Liaison | Discount code included
x Sephora VIB Spring Sale 2021 | What I Picked Up
x Daiso Haul: Sakura Stationery | Pink Spring Haul
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