How to be fiercely positive


x  [ Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Bittercold & Dark matter ] I love the message of Pokemon episodes and games tbh. So many hidden gems about not letting despair take over and that's something I need to remember more often every time something bad happens. Deeply attached to Nintendo and the positivity it brings to my life. 

x [ Remembering that others truly have worse situations ] I remember seeing this post on reddit, I think it was under r/happy. It was about a Syrian child in a refugee with a huge smile on his face, sooo cheerful despite the situation he was in, and his biggest dream is to invite other children from all over the world to play tea with him and his sister. That photo is going to stick with me forever. 

x [ Gather more light and stay soft This sort of run in the same vein with what Dumbledore says about remembering to turn on the light during our darkest moments. I think gratitude, dreams, and hope really stops the toxic things from getting inside you. 

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