Can you guys believe this is the last installment of the "Hello, There" and "So Long series?" I'm gonna miss doing these monthly posts. It really lifted me out of dark moments and it's been really helpful for me tackling new stuff that's happened every month. I've decided to change the heading of "Mari's Adventure" to just "Mari in March," because with the current state of the world, it just didn't feel right to refer to daily comforts as adventures.
- I'm so heartbroken for Ukraine. I feel so guilty when I go about my daily routine, knowing this dumb war has disrupted so many lives. I'm following someone named Xenta and she posts about how she and her cats are scared of the bombs going off almost every hour ; - ; And there are so many people that have to bring their frightened pets like rabbits and dogs to the shelters if they're allowed to (otherwise, they have to abandon them along with the elderly). I'm so glad that the people of Ukraine have President Zelensky as their leader during these dark times. I hope that all of this will be over soon ; - ;
- I'm sorry if I'm not going to be online as much from now on (with the exception of supporting movements and keeping up with accurate and verified news). The truth of the matter is, I'm just living my best, quiet, Ghibli life in enjoying the simple things. Wake up to feed the cats and the rabbits, take care of the garden, teach my little brother, spend time with Mama Bear & Papa Bear, walk and enjoy nature, and enjoy books or films without feeling the rush to post anything.
- Current crushes: Morticia Addams (Carolyn Jones) & Gomez Addams (John Astin). My crush notebook is currently bursting at the seams, so you guys get to have a peek before I make a new crush notebook.
- Favorite thread: How a Man Loves
- Favorite nail polish combination: Icelanded a bottle of OPI & Chelsea (ILNP) | Cool-toned taupe & rose gold
- Favorite mocktail: Ginger ale with fresh raspberries thrown in
- ACNH: I have blue and pink flowers all over my town and it's starting to look nice (even though my town layout only makes sense to me lol). The color combo reminds me of Sailor Moon along with the yellow tulips near the unshaped lake. Still looking for carrots and mushrooms :(((
- Happy Home Paradise: I finally got Shino! Just waiting for Ankha & Beardo. I'm really proud of my build for the gallery (black wall with windows with sheer white curtains and lots of plants to go with the paintings + Old Victorian theme that reminds me of Sherlock Holmes) and the private room (private dining inside a train - which reminds me of the famous "skewered" line in Casino Royale)
- Finished clearing my closet! I can finally walk inside of it again. I'm almost done arranging my shelf in the storage. I just gotta put more high school stuff and college stuff and then I'll be done. I found an old photo booth photo strip from over ten years ago. It's nice that it's all reserved and everything, even though the person inside the photograph hates my guts now lol. I hope he's doing okay. I thought that with the current technology we have, nothing ever gets lost. But I've had so many flash drives that are gotten corrupted or laptops that just decided to die one day. Even with iCloud, there are still glitches and not everything gets synced up correctly (lost a fair amount of notes when it happened). Anyway, it just sucks when memory gets lost.
- Favorite episode: Morticia's Romance Part 1 & Part 2. She's sooo pretty, I can't get over it.
- Happy Birthday to Daniel Craig, my favorite Pisces man. 3/2
- Sporting the newest spring wallpaper by Notebook Therapy. It's such a dreamy sakura phone wallpaper. I don't think I'm gonna change it even when March ends.
- Favorite snacks: mini triple chocolate muffin, fudge-covered Oreos, pink lemonade, hot flamin' Ridges chips.
- I got some new decor for my shelves. I finally got a golden egg ($4) and some pastel-spring bunny and Easter decor (late shipping last year meant I didn't get to pick up stuff as I was hoping to)
- Newest book/stationery: Matthew McConaughey's Greenlights Journal and Payback's a Witch by Lana Harper. If you catch me sniffing books inside Target, mind your business.
- I repaired an old teddy bear that I had as a gift from my mom when she was working in Japan in the 80s. My little brother got blue paint all over him and for the longest time, I didn't know how to fix Teddy Michael (my bear's name). Until I realize I have acetone! It really cleaned him up nicely. I shampooed his fur a little bit with water. And he smells so nice. And I also fixed his butt (pricked my thumbs though and drew blood) with a black needle and thread and then a surgical hot glue-gun to make sure his tail stays in place. I also gave him a new nose because my brother kinda chewed his nose off. So I grabbed this dark marble that I had and painted it with opaque black nail polish. His nose looks so shiny and new. I gave him a pink and gold bow (ribbon tied poorly - see February post), but I'm hoping to pick up a silk gold ribbon with the one that he originally had. I felt like that old man when he restored Woody to be the most expensive toy collection ever. I wish I had a before and after pic, but I just went straight to working on fixing him, and I didn't even think about doing a before and after shot.
- Watched Sailor Moon Super S movie and Sailor Moon R with Tommy before we went to bed. It's free on Youtube.
- I donated the two skirts that I was hoping to fix up and do a photoshoot with Tommy lol. Another girl will be happy with them. Now it makes me wonder if I should pick up two sizes every time I go shopping because I don't want this to happen again. Those were my favorite skirts and I don't know which store to go to to buy a replacement in the right size.
- Showing my little brother more films that I think he'd enjoy. He's always lost inside his own world, and I'm so happy he's branching out and he's enjoying the music, the colors, and the stories in films and shows that I used to love. Right now, we're watching "Big Hero 6" together (Film and TV series).
- Forgot to mention this in the February post, but I got Mama Bear a heart-shaped plant that looks like a butt (can't see the pointy end of the cacti) for Valentine's Day because my mom's name means "Heart" in Spanish. We decided to call him "Mr. Heart." He was the last one alive. It always makes me sad when plants die inside grocery stores without anyone taking care of them.
- Favorite new fun fact/trivia: Stray cats roam Disneyland for free at night and sleep throughout the day and they get vet care.
- More modules.
- Plan the summer trip to Cali? I have three stuff down . _ . ; Like Laduree and going to Disneyland with my mom. And shopping and taking photos of the Stars of Carole Lombard and Daniel Craig in the Hollywood Walk of Fame. So, I guess that’s four stuff. Still not sure though. I kinda wanna stay put. I wanna stay and take care of the cats, rabbits, and the plants (I'm their plantender). And I also don't wanna leave my bidet. Ain't no way hotels gonna fucking charge me too much, and not even have a fancy bidet to go with it. I don't care how much they bribe me with nice-smelling soap. But if I’m going, I might as well try to do some stuff while I’m there.
- Wash silk pillow sheets + eye mask (Casa Luna line from Target). It's really helped me fall asleep faster and my hair looks great the next morning.
- Remember to set up a mini "Hello, there" series on my drafts page. Since I don't think I can be consistent with monthly posts (without skipping some, and I hate skipping months), I'm gonna do small posts randomly here and there like "Hello, there 2 AM" or "Hello, there Wednesday" :)
- Go snack shopping
- Get back to reading and commenting on blogs again :) I'm sorry I'm really late at returning comments and views! I promise to get back on it soon. And I'm also late at getting the rest of the winter posts up. But I got to like what? 20 days before the Spring Equinox arrives? So, I'm not that late I guess . _ . ;;; It's still chilly over here, where I live.
- Wait for my tax return. So I can give a boosted donation to Ukraine.
- Play Escape First on Nin Switch | I got it on sale by using my Gold points | Got it for $3.99 | I like the first two rooms Psycho Circus (with the clown) and the Red button room, but I'm not sure about the third room. (It feels lazy)
- Befriend the chonky brown cat that likes to stay at the Patio | He looks like two balloons put together when he’s in a loaf position. He loves dry food over wet food. I think he likes seeing me because it means he gets to eat yummy cat food.
- Go on regular walks like a Jane Austen main character | I want to bring my bunny bubbles with me so it can be a part of my self-care routine
- Make a separate IG account for ACNH: Happy Home Paradise. I'm so proud of the interior and exterior designs I've come up with
- Read "Hedy's Folly" | & other biographies and autobiographies!
- The Batman | March 4 | Can’t wait to see Zoe Kravitz and Robert Pattinson together
- The Weekend Away ft. Leighton Meester | March 3 | On Netflix
- The Dropout ft. Amanda Seyfried | March 3 | On Hulu
- Watch Dollface on Hulu | Haven’t seen Brenda Song since “The Suite Life” :D
- New Japanese Goal: Be able to read tweets and mini-comics of my favorite San X characters on Twitter
- Read books on my Kindle that I’ve been collecting. I’ve been in such a weird reading slump lately
- Get back to regular nightly Tarot reading for me
- Take more selcas | I wanna capture the last year of my twenties!
- Try this recipe I found for fried chicken cutlets. I'm going to make katsu curry/chicken over alfredo sauce. I'm also gonna see how I can make it cheesy and melty!
✦ Ana Luisa NY: Kelly Necklace Review | Ambassador Liaison | Discount code included
✦ Sephora VIB Spring Sale 2021 | What I Picked Up
✦ Daiso Haul: Sakura Stationery | Pink Spring Haul
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I also want to watch The Batman❤
ReplyDeleteSame babe ❤ xx Happy Tuesday, love xo