This Post Is Dedicated To My Favorite Fictional Lesbian Character Of All Time | Tomoyo Daidouji



Hey everyone! Today I want to talk to you about, (well, what the title says lol). I also wanted to expand on my anime category. I love anime so much, and I can’t believe I only ever made one post dedicated to it, and that was way back during lockdown. 

If you haven’t seen Cardcaptor Sakura, I highly recommend it. I’m about to go into a deep discussion of this show, so if you haven’t seen it, you can pin this post for later read. If you don’t mind spoilers, then read on, reader. 

None of the images are my own. I googled most of the images and just put them inside pale pink Polaroids. So I just edited most of them. I’m really surprised that I can’t find a lot of images of her anymore. Maybe because Photobucket is no longer around. I don’t have any anime screenshots of her on here, but that’s because I prefer her drawn in manga style. I just feel like it’s more detailed whereas in the anime, those little details get lost. 

I’m gonna try and find a post a saw a while ago of a compilation of Tomoyo’s different hairstyle and I’ll link it down at the end of the post. She’s so cute in each of them!!! I can’t wait to show it to you!

I wish I could type out the many reasons of why I love Tomoyo, but do you ever get that way where you love something so much, you just kinda want to show (more like shove) people your favorite thing in their face, instead of listing down every reason why you’re so attached to the character?


I remember this one moment in the anime, (I think it’s where they capture the Flower Clow Card), and at the end of the episode, Tomoyo says to her best friend, Sakura: “I love you.” It’s basically a confession scene. And Sakura says “I love you, too.” And Tomoyo replies “I don’t think you could ever love me, the way I love you.” And there was just a big lump in my throat after hearing her say that. Sakura looks at her all puzzled and Tomoyo just smiles (even though she’s in a lot of pain). I never forgot that scene. It’s seared into the deep recesses of my brain and I remember being ten-years-old and looking at the smallest TV 📺 screen ever, and yelling at Sakura “Stop being straight, Sakura! ; o ; dammit.” Well, I didn’t have a concept of fluid sexuality back then, but I think I kept saying “Go with Tomoyou” repeatedly lol. 

There was also another scene that confirmed my love for Tomoyo. In this scene, she was comforting Mei Lin about her unrequited love for Syaoran (Sakura’s main love interest). And she cries all night on Tomoyo’s lap, saying “Everything is so unfair because even though she feels rejected, she can’t bear to hate Sakura or Syaoran because they’re all friends.” And you can just feel the pain seeping from the pixelated screen. I wish I could have hugged them both at the same time. And Tomoyo, being the queen of grace and perfection, replies (sorry if it’s not accurate quotation, I’m just playing it by memory), “Even though her love is one-sided, she would never stop supporting Sakura or her happiness.” Correct me if I’m wrong, but she did say something around the line of “Sakura’s happiness is my happiness.” And damn, that shit hurt so bad. Because she didn’t say that to make herself feel better, or extenuate the heart break , she honestly meant what she said.  

In the Clear Card arc, I thought Tomoyo was finally gonna get her pairing, but it also seems unlikely. Sakura has a twin (sort of) named Alice but she’s paired with another  older character, so yeah, it’s not gonna happen. Our queen’s just gonna stay single and I’m also here for it, honestly. I remember there was another scene where Tomoyo sort of has a crush on Toya (Sakura’s brother) because she noticed that they both have the same carvings around their ear. Or she said something like they both have the same ears that look very similar. And she admires it. So, I guess she’s also bisexual-asexual like me? And maybe that’s why I gravitate around her so much???


Oh and forgive me for not starting off with her hobbies or qualities. I feel her profile could easily be looked up and it’s not necessarily why I love her so much. But it contributes as to how she became my favorite character.

About Tomoyo: She has a lovely singing voice. She’s good with homework and baking. She’s Sakura’s couturier and biggest supporter. She’s super rich but is super kind as well. She cares about her friends deeply and gives them good advice. She’s wise beyond her years. She has long, black tresses and has the sweetest smile. She also looks a lot like Sakura’s mother. 

I can’t wait until I can grow out my black hair again to match with hers. I feel like I’ll get there in another six months or so. 



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