Here are ten simple self-care that I always forget, but every time I remember to do them, my day turns around :3
01. Paint your nails. It always makes me feel powerful when my talons are all coated with glitter. Moisturize your hands, if you’ve already finished painting your nails or just do so when you're not in the mood to re-paint your chipped nails.02. Get some sunlight. It’s nicer to take a walk now that it’s fall. Wear your favorite cardigan.03. Create. You’ll feel happy. And the world is always in need of more creators.04. If you have no one to vent to, check out the Reflectly app. Saved me many episodes from unloading to someone who doesn’t need more stress in their life.05. How long have you been in a bad posture, hovering over your phone or slouching over a desktop? Do a mini yoga session, and stretch like a cat.06. Read a book or magazine. Bonus points if you try to do it analog style. There’s something about your hands touching a handheld book that makes it look like they’re made for each other. I don’t think tactile experiences can ever be replaced.07. Give your pet treats or a good petting session. It makes you feel good to take care of something.08. Make sure you’re hydrated. Your cells work hard to keep you functioning. But they need your help too. Also, practice taking small sips like this adorable snake over [here] / or [here] for the meme version. Your tummy will thank you for it because it doesn’t like getting overwhelmed by huge gulps.010. Re-watch any Disney films you like. My favorites for fall are Beauty and the Beast (Opening with lots of autumnal palettes is super, super pretty) and Snow White and The Seven Dwarves (Baking a pie for Grumpy scene). Wear your cutest and fuzziest socks!
I tried to make these gender-neutral. Like, for example, did you know, guys actually got their nails did in the 1930s just like the women did? It’s so they could look clean and professional during board meetings when handling business papers. If you don’t believe me, there’s a movie featuring Carole Lombard called “Hands Across the Table”
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Bonus Pins: (Made a lot and couldn’t decide which one so I uploaded all of them anyway)
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